Friday, June 3, 2011

When I Look At The Stars...

If Stars could talk, what would they tell us?
They would probably be screaming, hopping up and down like a four year old who just had candy, so enthralled that The Maker Of The Universe would stop to talk to them, one of gazillions of stars in the universe. It would be impossible for us to count all the stars in our sky, let alone all of the stars in the universe. We don't even know how big the universe is.

God, what did I ever do?
You know my full name, my blood type, how many hairs I have on my head, every thought I've ever thought, every dream I've ever dreamed, everything I've ever seen.
What did I ever do?What did I ever do to make You even want to know that stuff?
I know the answer.
Nothing.I haven't done anything amazing.
I haven't spoken to thousands of people, telling them how much You love them.
I can barely stand in front of my class to give a report.
But You know everything about me.
More than that, You care about me.Bigger still, You love me.

You are the God of the Universe.
You can take the entire universe and go "Yep. Just another thing I made."
You may even have a trillion more universes scattered in heaven, with trillions of more people who have trillions of more names.
But You care about and love me.

There's a song by As Cities Burn called "Our World Is Grey."
It seems insignificant.
How many songs have You heard, God?Well over even a gazillion, I'm sure.The opening verse of the song says:

"I'm sure if You wanted to stop love,You could just untie Your end and let it go.
But My God, You don't.
I think I love You for it."

God, I know I love You for it.

There are many more people who have done greater things than I who will never know You.
Instead of wasting Your time on me, why not use it on them?

Because You love me.
You made me.

I think I love You for it.
No, I know I love You for it.

And it's not a superficial love either.
The kind of love you give to someone who saved your life
or the kind of love you give to a puppy.
It's not the kind of love you give to your parents.
It's not even the kind of love you give to some one who you love.
That's all fine and good, but that's just human love.
No. This is heavenly love.

Nothing that you can find on earth could ever compare to it.


"I think if you wanted to stop love, you could just untie your end and let it go."

God, why do You love me?
Why do You know my name?
Why do I matter so much?
Why are You so set on loving me?I'm a sinner.
I'm far worse than the junk on the stars.
"But My God, You don't."

But You love me for who I am.
Even though it's not much.
Right now, I feel so small.
I feel like You could just take your thumb and squash me, much like the way I squash a pesky bug.

"But My God, You don't."
You know the name of every single star.

Scientists don't even have names for all of the stars in our galaxy. And that's not even a handful of stars in Your terms.

I don't know the names of any stars.

You know when they were created.

Scientists argue over when a star came into being.

I have no idea whatsoever.You know the name of every person that has ever lived, is living, and will ever live.

Not even a world-wide census could do that.

I barely know the names of the people at my church.

You know my name.

I know I love You for it.
God, You show up everywhere.
In our bodies...

Laminin. It's a small, microscopic structure that essentially holds you physical body together.
And it's in the shape of a cross.
The shape that represents life.
The blood of Jesus is holding us together.

God, You also show up in your universe.

The "x-structure" at the core of the Whirlpool Galaxy.

Oh. My. God.

There is nothing that I could do to ever compare to that.

You just find clever little ways to remind us that You are there.

You probably just think "They're not that clever. Or that hidden. You just need to look for them."

I know I love You for it.

God, You are beyond words.


God, I know I love You for it.

You set every star where it is

and You know my name.

"What is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them?" (NIV)

"Why do You bother with us? Why take a second to look out way?" (Message)

If you wanted to stop love, You could just let go of Your end and say "That's it. I'm done."

But My God, You don't.

And God, I love You for it.


I Love You.


(This is written after I watched the DVD "Indescribable" by Louie Giglio. Check it out.)

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