Saturday, June 18, 2011

How I Entertain Myself...

So I was at this Youth Conference thing, and A) it was really cool and B) it was really fun.

So there was this Youth Group and their assemble sign thing or whatever was putting their hands up in the air like ostriches. So I looked over and saw them doing this, and decided that I'd join them. My twin and I laughed hysterically while their Youth Leader gave me a slighty dirty look... But I had fun :D

And now I'm watchcing Pride and Prejudice, yeah the one with Keira Knightly? yeah I love this movie!! So I have absolutely no idea why, but at the part where they're talking about young women's accomplishments and stuff, Mr Bingley is playing with the tassels on a pillow while he's talking and I crack up every time!!!! This movie just makes me laugh and cry and cry some more. It's sooooooooo good!!!! :D :D :D :D :D


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