Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Chronicles of Wisdom (or lack thereof) Part 4

Sooooo... I finally abandoned my frozen peas. Now, I've been holding a warm washcloth. Yay.
I finally got some actual food, mac n cheese. YYAAAAAAAYYY!

But, the best part of the day so far has been watching BANDSLAM!!!
I am thoroughly convinced that it is the best movie ever!!!!!!

It's so awesome!!

So I get to rinse my mouth out with saltwater now. Yay. me.

Yeah not really.

Gaaaaaaah I wanna start a band so bad!!!!!!!!

I still look like a fat squirrel. So, I've gotta stay away from all mirrors, or I see myself and want to start crying!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I hate swelling.

I can't go on, I'll go on.

That's a pretty awesome band name, not gonna lie.

lol I love the part when they all start moving their hands like idiots.


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