Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Chronicles of Wisdom (or lack thereof) Part 9

But, to quote the title of a cd by a band I like, "The End Is Not The End."
It's by House of Heroes, and they're reeeeeeeeeeaally awesome, so check it out. Especially "Code Name: Raven" and "Field of Daggers". Do it. Now.

Anyways, so life is almost perfect because I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance and eating jellybeans. Yep, you read that correctly. I can actually eat food now. It's amazing. I had a meatball sub for dinner tonight. Yes, you needed to know that.

So life isn't totally perfect A) because, unfortunantly, I'm not perfect B) because I have an online health exam tomorrow. Blech. Bleeeeeeeecccchh.


yeah, it's that bad.

On the bright side, I'm doing much better than the class standards. So hey, it can't be that bad. Just gotta look on the bright side.


The only bright side is the fact that I got to take choir and band last year and that I get to take them both again this year.

The textbook has twenty typos. In twenty pages.


So, I guess that this marks the last installment of the Chronicles of Wisdom (or lack thereof).

It's sad to see such a great time come to an-WHO AM I KIDDING!! I got those puppies out, and now I can eat normally and I don't have to worry about them later in life!!!!!!!

Peace OUT!!

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