Friday, June 10, 2011

The Chronicles of Wisdom (or lack thereof) Part 6

Well, Hello there!!!

I haven't blogged the last few days because I have not had a computer.
Well, I have one now.
So, I've been playing around with music lately.
I played my guitars all day yesterday, and I wrote an arrangement of the Superchick song "Beauty From Pain." It's pretty awesome, I'm not gonna lie. Can't wait to check it out with our worship band.
Oh hey, we're on YouTube!

The link to Part 2 should be in the sidebar. Check that out too.
So, yeah. We're gonna be awesome this year.

I started writing the piano part for "Beauty From Pain" today, it's hard to write piano music! Well, it's not hard, I just don't have the patience for it.
Actually, I do have the patience. I just don't like sitting at a piano for a long time.

Soo, another thing I did today was check out Operation Beautiful's website.
I'm thinkin up a plan now...
Hey, ever been a Beautiful Operative???

So, that's been my life. Lovin it.

Oh, did I mention my swelling's gone down???


Only now I have nasty bruises on my chin... the one on the right side is a greenish-yellow with a blackish-purpleish-blueish line going through it. WHOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo..... yeah not really.

Peace Out!!

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